Grain: Analog Renaissance

Today, the art world and beyond is obsessed with shooting analog. Whether it’s a fashion house seeking to bring a new edge to their creative work, an amateur perusing eBay for the perfect vintage Polaroid, or an influencer attempting to capture a comforting retro aesthetic on social media, analog photography has piqued the interest of people everywhere. Is this resurgence a backlash against digital photography? Is it just a trend perpetuated by our desire for authenticity in an increasingly superficial world? Or is it something else entirely?

Grain: Analog Renaissance is a documentary by Alex Contell and Tommaso Sacconi that explores the stories of those committed to using film in modern day photography.

Are All Men Pedophiles?

We live in a society that condemns pedophiles, though biological instinct and world cultures throughout history suggest that an attraction to adolescents is as natural as it is unavoidable. The fashion industry on the one hand sexualises ever younger girls while those who act on these instincts are reviled. The apparent hypocrisy at the heart of society forces the question: What do we mean then when we talk about Pedophilia?

This films broad canvas takes in how our evolution and biological make-up have through-out history created cultures where what would today be called Pedophilia has passed without note, and with the complicity of all religions.  It also looks at how media definitions differ to scientific ones, whether Pedophilia could be considered a sexuality, how the definition differs between modern societies as well as presenting the testimony of both victims and perpetrators.

In conclusion, we are faced with both the contradiction of a society which fetishizes youth and the question: Are All Men Pedophiles?