
Silver’s Uprising

Silver’s Uprising

Crime boss or fearless dissident? An extraordinary portrait of a former ultra-orthodox Jewish kid who transformed the drug-dealing business, took on the Israel government and became a hero to millions.

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Cyborg: A Documentary

Cyborg: A Documentary

There are no others like Neil Harbisson - at least not yet. As the world’s first officially recognised cyborg, he is on a mission to design himself & to promote that right for others. Born colour-blind, artist Harbisson has an antenna implanted in his skull that enables him to hear colour. Will others join him in upgrading their bodies?

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The Face of Anonymous

The Face of Anonymous

Cyber terrorist or freedom fighter? Little did novelist Ian Thornton suspect that the beggar into whose hat he dropped some coin would turn out to be a high ranking member of the Anonymous movement involved in major cyber-attacks. After years on the run from the FBI the man known as Commander X is now looking for political asylum.

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Martha: A Picture Story

Martha: A Picture Story

A vibrant portrait of photographer Martha Cooper, who in 70s New York, captured the first images of graffiti. Decades later, Martha realises she's become an icon of the street art world. Her joyous photography having inspired the spread of graffiti around the globe, she reenters the subculture.

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The Rise of Jordan Peterson

The Rise of Jordan Peterson

With exclusive access, The Rise of Jordan Peterson gives a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the firestorm sparked by professor, provocateur and best selling Author exploring the tension between free speech and hate speech, and the points-of-view of those on both sides of this heightened debate.

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Eminent Monsters

Eminent Monsters

We trace the roots of western governments love affair with torture. Psychiatrist Ewen Cameron experimented on his patients, funded by the Canadian government and the CIA , from the IRA to Guantanamo this work is the basis for modern psychological torture used in 27 countries.

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Port of Destiny: Peace

Port of Destiny: Peace

Port of Destiny recounts the drama of Colombia's path to peace. As Defense Minister, Santos waged war on the terrorist guerrilla movement FARC, hunting down its leaders and orchestrating high-wire hostage rescues. As President, he brokered peace—but paid a steep political price.

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A Stone in Our Heart

A Stone in Our Heart

A mother and a daughter climb a mountain trying to cope with a past the mother has spent years suppressing. The daughter was sexually abused by her stepfather, and now she wants to understand why her mother didn’t notice.

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Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up

Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up

This documentary investigates Burzynskis hidden cancer treatment, its successes and the decades of failed lawsuits the US government and FDA have pursued in order to try to silence him.

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Finding Fidel

Finding Fidel

Finding Fidel tells the remarkable story of war cameraman Erik Durschmied, who in 1958 journeyed to Cuba’s Sierra Maestra mountains to interview a little-known rebel leader named Fidel Castro. A month later, Castro’s band of fighters rolled into Havana, and the world would never be the same.

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Mad As Hell

Mad As Hell

Cenk Uygur's transforms from unknown talk show host on Public Access TV to internet sensation, with his show amassing a billion views. Hired by MSNBC, his uncensored views are compromised & he becomes the nexus in the battle between new & old media.

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