Diary of a School Under Siege

During the student demonstrations in Chile, a group of High-School students break in to one of the most emblematic schools of the capital city, the Darío Salas high school, and occupy it for six months.

The camera is locked in with them as this group of idealistic young protesters take on the authorities in a battle to draw attention to their governments brutally destructive new education policies.

Barricaded inside, the situation intensifies as their struggles to maintain unity and political influence vie with the problems faced by teenagers the world over, all the while under the constant threat of police raids.

Hunger strikes and tear gas attacks clash with attempts to organise lessons and cleaning rotas. Press conferences and raids punctuate days of political debate over their direction, while girls fall pregnant, the school falls into disrepair and arguments emerge over the future of their protest.

By the end of this transformative period, our inspiring protagonists have changed forever. Diary of a School Under Siege is a bittersweet coming-of-age story, set against and reflecting a global movement that echoes throughout every corner of the planet.

Egypt: Behind the Revolution

Filmed primarily in Egypt in March of 2011, soon after the January revolution, this film introduces you to the Egyptians who lived under Mubarak and helped to bring him down.

Including interviews with revolutionaries from all walks of life fighting for a new start in Egypt, we get an inside glimpse at the sequence of events that led to what some are calling the first Facebook revolution.  Ordinary people give their reasons for taking to the streets of Egypt to call for freedom and reforms, and what led them to demand Mubarak’s resignation.

This broad-ranging film gives the events of January 2010 both the context necessary to fully understand how a powerful regime could fall so suddenly, as well as on-the-ground testimonials that fill in important details that went unreported at the time.

From the brewing discontent that preceded the revolution, to the 18 days of often brutally suppressed protests when success seemed far from inevitable, this film puts us in the centre of the action. Finally, Egypt: The Story Behind the Revolution captures the peoples joy and relief when Mubarak steps down after thirty years in power.