Aquariums: The Dark Hobby

Hawaii is ground zero in the global struggle to save marine wildlife. Some species of fish have been driven to extinction by collectors, and others are severely diminished.

Elsewhere, cyanide and dynamite is used to hunt the tropical fish to be captured as ´pets´ and then their their fins cut, and swim bladders pierced with needles, they are sealed in bags to ship globally. 90% die within a year of capture, creating a demand for replacement.

These fish eat the algae growing on the coral. When they’re removed from the reef for sale, the coral dies – which produces 50% of earth’s oxygen.

Aquariums: The Dark Hobby is an expose of this viscous industry while also highlighting the work of Native Hawaiian Elders, conservationists and scientists who struggle to ensure the survival of these stunning tiny creatures that are targets of a trade worth billions.

Hawaii: The Stolen Paradise

Hawaii was a recognized independent nation prior to January 17, 1893. On that day, the nation and government was illegally overthrown by the United States. Since then, the USA has illegally assumed control over Hawaii turning the islands into Military Bases that threaten world peace.
The United States claims that Hawaii was lawfully annexed as the 50th State.
What would you think when you find out that is Not True!
In fact the United States government signed a Joint Resolution of the Congress in 1993 that “acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum”
On 1999 the Hawaiians reinstated a government pro tempore and continue to implement steps to reinstate laws of the Hawaiian government to reclaim their sovereign independent status from the United States.
A story that needs to be told!