Climate Trailblazers: Reimagining Our Future

Exciting technologies have emerged, setting the gears in motion for a new green industrial revolution.

Climate Trailbazers; Reimagining Our Future examines the new technologies and practices that decouple social and economic growth from carbon emissions showcasing innovations across the world that provide new and greener ways of producing energy, materials and food.

These new technologies, if adopted at scale, could move the needle on climate change.

The new tech and business models featured also prove that sustainability can be profitable, while consumers and whole industries alike can play their part in slowing – and reversing – environmental damage and creating a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Climate Trailblazers provides a message of hope for those who care about sustainability, and our planet, in what is often characterised as an unavoidable catastrophe.

The Power of Play

Lizards do it.  Even fish do it. The animal world is showing us why play is a serious matter.

Through a combination of ongoing experiments, reconstructed experiments and guided observation, The Power of Play reveals surprising truths about play in the natural world. 

Scientists from Europe, the United States and Canada, many of them pioneers in the field, offer convincing evidence that play is not to be taken lightly. In fact, it has the power to make animals and humans smarter, healthier and more likely to survive.