Science & Tech

Climate Trailblazers: Reimagining Our Future

Climate Trailblazers: Reimagining Our Future

Exciting technologies have emerged, setting the gears in motion for a new green industrial revolution. What are the new technologies that decouple social and economic growth from carbon emissions? New innovations across the world will provide new and greener ways of producing energy, materials and food.

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The Face of Anonymous

The Face of Anonymous

Cyber terrorist or freedom fighter? Little did novelist Ian Thornton suspect that the beggar into whose hat he dropped some coin would turn out to be a high ranking member of the Anonymous movement involved in major cyber-attacks. After years on the run from the FBI the man known as Commander X is now looking for political asylum.

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Margin of Error: AI, Polling and Elections

Margin of Error: AI, Polling and Elections

Pioneers of a new kind of Polling that combine the breadth of data found on social media with the power of artificial intelligence, claim to accurately predict voter behaviour. Does this give politicians the intel they need to respond to voters needs, or will this data be misused to mislead us - by our own governments, or our adversaries?

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Mind Forward

Mind Forward

Connected brains will lead to powerful synthetic telepathy technologies making it possible to not only to read other person's thoughts, but also manipulate them. But where what are the potential benefits and pitfalls of these new technologies?

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Medicating Normal

Medicating Normal

Millions worldwide are physically dependent on commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs. Pharmaceutical companies have hidden their dangerous side effects, addictive nature and long-term harm. This is the story of the disastrous consequences that occur when profit-driven medicine intersects with human beings in distress.

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Forging the Future (series)

Forging the Future (series)

Forging the Future explores the most exciting disciplines in popular science today. Each episode features a deep dive into: Artificial Intelligence, Achieving Immortality, Living Off the Earth, Genetic Engineering, Cyborg Technology, and creating a Disease-Free World with the Human Microbiome.

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The Dark Web (series)

The Dark Web (series)

Sextortion syndicates target victims globally through social media. Illegal endangered animal trades thrive on Facebook. Digital black markets operate anonymously using software designed for press privacy and freedom to sell drugs. Secret child pornography rings run rampant in closed groups and private chats.

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The Internet of Everything

The Internet of Everything

No longer confined to your computer or your phone, the Internet is now in garbage cans, refrigerators, and the infrastructure of our cities. The future will either be a surveillance nightmare or an eco-utopia, the outcome determined by startups in Silicon Valley and Shenzhen.

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100 Million Views

100 Million Views

What does it take to reach 100 Million Views? With dark humour and caustic wit, Itamar Rose uncovers the truth about a platform that promised transparency and democracy, but hides an exploitative, censored and unaccountable underbelly.

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Magic Medicine

Magic Medicine

Can magic mushrooms cure depression? Over two years we follow the first ever medical trial of psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms) being used to treat a group of volunteers suffering from clinical depression.

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The Power of Play

The Power of Play

Scientists from Europe, the United States and Canada, many of them pioneers in the field, offer convincing evidence that play is not to be taken lightly. In fact, it has the power to make animals and humans smarter, healthier and more likely to survive.

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