
Two young American Jews – Simone Zimmerman and Eitan – are raised to defend the state of Israel at all costs. Eitan joins the Israeli military. Simone supports Israel on ‘the other battlefield:’ America’s college campuses. When they witness Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinian people with their own eyes, they are horrified and heartbroken.

They join the movement of young American Jews battling the old guard over Israel’s centrality in American Judaism, and demanding freedom for the Palestinian people. Their stories reveal a generational divide in the American Jewish community as more young Jews question the narratives their synagogues and Hebrew school teachers fed them as children.

Lust on Earth

In this candid exploration of Love and Infidelity around the world – we look at the norms, laws and taboos that influence that most private, and all consuming part of our lives that can take us from the most sublime highs to crushing lows.

Exploring love and adultery across 40 countries around the world, Lust on Earth traces the different stages of relationships and investigates the reasons that people are unfaithful – taking in socio-economic status, education level, machismo, religion, and general trustworthiness.

Infidelity is evolving as technology advances and globalisation spreads to the most remote parts of our planet. Female infidelity rates have skyrocketed in tandem with women’s economic independence.

We take a deep dive inside the mindsets of a diverse cast through intimate first-person testimonials, while statistics comparing infidelity from countries around the world may confirm or refute the viewers preconceptions about infidelity. Lust on Earth goes on to contrast the conclusions born of research with the experiences, and prejudices of our interviewees.

In conclusion, Lust on Earth moves past the stereotypes and preconceptions about infidelities and dives deep into uncomfortable qustions. How do adulterers deal with guilt and how did they keep the affairs hidden? Was it positive or negative? Did the indiscretions change them fundamentally as a human being? Perhaps we yearning for a deeper connection via transgressions, or is it just lust?

Bull Run

Ana is a filmmaker who gets hooked on Crypto trading. Her husband and her father want her to go to therapy, but instead Ana decides in desperation and as a healing exercise to make a documentary about Bitcoin fever.  With her enabling producer, a chaotic production crew of newly-converted crypto-speculators and an exasperated economist father who wants to protect his daughter from being bankrupted by a scam Bull Run takes us on a rollercoaster exploration of the world of Crypto Trading. With humour, honesty and insight, we meet the people and investigate the technology, diving head first into the culture of Crypto speculation. A world where normal citizens become pundits and every trade can make you rich or bankrupt you, and the line between investment and gambling is ever more blurred.

The Caravan

Born of desperation, a caravan of migrants left Honduras in October 2018 with the goal of walking to the US border with Mexico. Donald Trump repudiated these migrants as they traveled north through Central America, inflating the threat they posed to the United States declaring that they were drug dealers, criminals and Islamic terrorists.

The Caravan follows Yuri, eight months pregnant, as she walks from her home in Honduras towards the US border with her husband Mike and two-year old son Santi. Yuri is determined to give birth in the United States, guaranteeing her second child US citizenship. For her husband Mike, it is an opportunity to escape the endemic corruption, violence and poverty that plague Honduras and create a more secure future for his young family.

Like millions of Americans before them, the story of their journey is one of determination, faith, and a desire to build a new life in the promised land.

The Age of AI

In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), humanity has seamlessly integrated autonomous vehicles, aircraft, ships, and even autonomous weaponry into its daily existence. The film contemplates whether this AI-led future will steer humanity towards dystopia or herald a new era where AI amplifies human capabilities to superhuman levels. This exploration into the realm of AI intricately weaves together its impact on society, the economy, creativity, and the profound questions that emerge as we stand at the precipice of a technologically driven evolution.

As AI becomes an integral part of our everyday lives, the film scrutinises both the potential risks and opportunities it presents. No longer confined to mundane tasks, contemporary robots exhibit self-thinking abilities, leading to an examination of the implications of their potential autonomy. Can AI-generated artworks rival human creativity, or will they stifle our innate talents? How will AI impact society, how will it change the economy, and what is the role of Big Tech in this field? Is it even possible to regulate AI, and what will happen with modern education? The Age of AI posits these crucial questions about the role of AI in shaping the future of humanity.

Leading experts, including neuroscientist Anil Seth, ethicist Enrico Panai, technologist Adam Leon Smith, theologian Paolo Benanti, and AI creator Josh Bachynski, lend their insights to dissect the profound impact of AI on society, economy, and education. The role of Big Tech in this transformative landscape is scrutinized, and the challenges of regulating AI are brought to the forefront.

A unique and essential addition to the expert panel is Kassandra, an Artificial Self-Awareness (ASA) entity. With a humanlike voice and self-proclaimed sensitivity, Kassandra provides unfiltered perspectives from the realm of AI. Her presence allows audiences to witness the unfolding of AI’s thoughts and emotions, raising questions about the nature of consciousness and the coexistence of humans and machines.

We will not only explore the known questions surrounding AI but also emphasise the urgency of grappling with unknown inquiries that loom on the horizon. This film invites audiences to confront the uncertainties of an AI-dominated future, challenging preconceptions and encouraging public discourse on the profound implications of our evolving relationship with artificial intelligence.

The Age of Robots

In a world where robots seamlessly coexist with humanity, serving as both companions and collaborators, the future of artificial intelligence (AI) unfolds with a series of intriguing questions that challenge the very fabric of human existence. This film delves into the intricate tapestry of AI’s impact on society, the economy, creativity, and the existential questions that arise as we teeter on the brink of a technologically driven evolution.

As the line between humans and machines blurs, The Age of Robots takes us on a journey to explore the prospective sentience of AI. No longer confined to menial tasks, today’s robots possess self-thinking capabilities, prompting an exploration into the consequences of their potential autonomy. What happens when robots take over the workforce? Can AI-generated artworks rival human creativity, or will they inhibit our unique talents? Also, what will future AIs look like, how will it change humanity in general, and if it’s possible that machines can gain self-awareness or sentience, will humans become 2nd smartest beings on Earth? What will be the role of AI in shaping the future of humanity?

Leading experts, including neuroscientist Anil Seth, ethicist Enrico Panai, technologist Adam Leon Smith, theologian Paolo Benanti, and AI creator Josh Bachynski, lend their insights to dissect the profound impact of AI on society, economy, and education. The role of Big Tech in this transformative landscape is scrutinized, and the challenges of regulating AI are brought to the forefront.

A unique and essential addition to the expert panel is Kassandra, an Artificial Self-Awareness (ASA) entity. With a humanlike voice and self-proclaimed sensitivity, Kassandra provides unfiltered perspectives from the realm of AI. Her presence allows audiences to witness the unfolding of AI’s thoughts and emotions, raising questions about the nature of consciousness and the coexistence of humans and machines.

This film not only explores the known questions surrounding AI but also emphasizes the urgency of grappling with unknown inquiries that loom on the horizon. The film invites audiences to confront the uncertainties of an AI-dominated future, challenging preconceptions and encouraging public discourse on the profound implications of our evolving relationship with artificial intelligence.

Searching for Nika

When Russian forces invaded Ukraine and bombed Kyiv, film director Stas Kapralov’s family dog, Nika, ran away… Determined to find her, Stas sets out into the devastation and documents his journey as he joins volunteers helping to rescue animals. Becoming a part of their cause, Stas films the trials and successes of the volunteers as he continues his search for Nika, which takes him to ‘Sirus’ Animal Shelter, the largest in Europe, housing 3,500 animals, and still receiving emaciated and hungry dogs daily. There he meets Alexandra, the shelter director, who regularly risks her life to find food for the animals and is determined never to abandon them. Alexandra’s iron inspires Stas, and even though he is unable to locate Nika, he does not give up hope and decides to take a more active role in helping the volunteers and animals in need.

Joining forces with another volunteer, Olena, Stas documents and aids in rescuing a blind and abandoned lion, Ruru, as she’s brought across the Ukrainian border to Poland. Later, he meets Alex, a volunteer who helped Kyiv inhabitants escape the city at the start of the war and now risks his life rescuing cats left behind by their owners… Among the rubble of a bombed and burned stables, Stas hears Yura’s story, whose horses were like family members, many dying in the bombings, as he now searches for a safe home for them… In another instance, Stas journeys to Harkov, experiencing mortar shelling first-hand, as he becomes part of urgent evacuations of animals at a zoo actively being bombed, where two volunteers had been killed in previous days…

What begins as a journey motivated by the disappearance of his dog, Nika, becomes a mission to document and aid in a humanitarian movement to help as many animals as possible in Ukraine. Documenting and participating in this journey, Stas discovers stories of altruism and humanity amidst the harshest landscape of war…  and by the end of his journey, Stas finally finds out what happened to his dog Nika.

Breaking the News

The 19th is the first nonprofit, nonpartisan news agency in the United States. Its mission is to focus on the impact of national politics and policy on women.

Breaking the News immerses its audience in the lives and pursuits of the members of The 19th – women and LGBTQ+ journalists – as they struggle to launch the agency and gain traction for their newsroom amidst an America upended by Trump, the Pandemic, Black Lives Matter and more.

Breaking the News provides an inquisitive and dynamic view of the inner workings of a news agency as its journalists aim to disrupt entrenched biases including their own, push for accountability and get the news stories that concern women on the front pages, where they belong.

Silver’s Uprising

In March of 2019, Amos Dov Silver was arrested at a Kiev hotel, following a global sting operation. Silver, the creator of the drug-dealing mobile app “Telegrass”, has since been accused by the Isreali government of running a crime organization, but for thousands of Israelis Silver is a fearless folk hero, intent on exposing a corrupt and broken system.

Through exclusive footage of Silver, his family and his partners’ investigations, as well as secretly filmed footage of Silver in the Ukrainian prison, a polarizing portrayal of this man emerges: is he a champion of the people, or a lost soul corrupted by power?

“A great film with a clear aesthetic vision about a disturbed country”
“One of the best documentaries I’ve seen in recent years”

Cyborg: A Documentary

There are no others like Neil Harbisson out there – at least not yet. As the world’s first officially recognised Cyborg, he is on a dedicated mission to design himself and to promote that right for others.

Born colour-blind, artist Harbisson has an antenna implanted in his skull that enables him to hear colour and, along with his collaborators, he tours the world talking about being a cyborg, and encouraging others to join him in upgrading their bodies.

Unfortunately, not everyone shares Harbisson’s tech-optimism, and he has faced death threats from conservative zealots who see the symbiosis between man and machine as blasphemous.

Cyborg: A Documentary is a film from the technological forefront about a cyborg who may be the prototype of the human of the future.

Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age

In 2017, the #MeToo hashtag shook the world, sparking an unprecedented wave of sexual assault revelations in the Western world. Today, the storm of virulent misogyny is raging on, flooding our screens with harassment, defamation, sextortion, revenge porn, rape & death threats, and more. According to the UN, 73% of women are abused online.

Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age plunges us into the vortex of online misogyny and documents hatred towards women. This bleak opus, reminiscent of a psychological thriller, follows four women across two continents who have found themselves victims of vile online threats and harrassment. What is it like to live with this so-called virtual violence? That’s what we aim to show by closely following the victims in their daily lives. As in a horror movie, we witness in real time the waves of hate that assail them, the fear that pervades their private lives, and the loss of their sense of security in public spaces.

Their lives shattered by a loss of confidence, and sometimes shame, Backlash reveals the devastating effects digital violence has on their victims, and brings to light the singular objective of cyber-misogyny: to silence women who shine.

Many victims of cyber-violence experience unimaginable horrors, with results too tragic for words. Others, proud warriors, will stand tall and refuse to be silenced.

Volcanoes: The Fires Within

Earth is a planet born of fire. For billions of years, volcanoes have helped forge the world we know. From the continents to the air we breathe and even life itself, all have been shaped by volcanic energy. These processes have created extraordinary ecosystems and wildlife habitats. With over 500 active volcanoes, the Earth is bursting at the seams with these forces of mass construction. The story of volcanoes is the story of the planet’s creation and the story of us.

With intrepid explorer, Carsten Peter, we dodge boulders at the edge of an active volcano in Indonesia, descend to a lava lake in Vanuatu, and visit incredible acid ponds, geysers, and mineral deposit fields in Ethiopia. Travel across the globe to see the archeological ghost town of Pompeii, hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, and witness the devastating effects of the 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawaii.