In 1969, an American Vietnam war hero relocates to a remote village in the Philippines and invites hundreds of women to live with him in his compound. Through money and violence, he was able to rule as a king. “It was like having a vacation everyday”, he recalls proudly.
In 2002 he was charged with over 80 counts of rape.
Victor Pearson is now in jail serving two life sentences, but many of the women remain by his side. Pearson and his harem form an extended family bound together with codependency and power issues. Although still behind bars, he has since married five of the women who testified against him in court keeping them in apartments in the neighbourhood.
Unrepentant, Victor Pearson is undoubtedly a charismatic character who lived his dream. When confronted with his abuse of girls as young as fourteen, he claims that the lifestyle and education he provided these women with, outweigh the charges leveled at him.
“Kano” is the fascinating story of a convicted rapist and the women who come together to form a most dysfunctional family.