Great White North

With a never-before-seen explosion of Great White Shark encounters off Canada’s East Coast, we embark on a research expedition to unlock the secrets of these elusive apex predators that have invaded Canada’s ocean playground.

A recent spate of close encounters with Great White Sharks has brought together a team of researchers and scientists to conduct a ground-breaking research expedition.

Using an array of underwater cameras, ground-breaking early advance multi-beam sonar imaging, ROV cameras, underwater acoustic technology, and drone photography, our team will prove that not only are great whites here, but in much larger numbers than anyone had imagined.

The expedition will also break new ground in expanding our knowledge of these elusive apex predators. Many questions remain to be answered: how many great whites are visiting North Atlantic Waters and for how long. Are they reproducing there, or just summer visitors feasting on seals and tuna? What role does climate change play in the proliferation of sharks in the Northwest Atlantic? Are these curious juveniles carving out new territory, or mature breeding adults that are expanding their range? What impact are they having on the local ecosystem, and does their presence mean the North Atlantic Ocean is becoming healthier?

Ocean Odyssey

We follow a pair of Humpback Whales – a mother and her calf – on their great migration from the warm tropics to the frozen ice flows of Antarctica, via an Ocean Current that is home to thousands of interconnected species.

As we cross multiple eco-systems, it becomes evident that the ocean itsself is the blue heart of our entire planet, necessary for life as we know it both in the sea and on land. Our journey takes us from the smallest microscopic organisms to the largest animals ever to have inhabited the planet to understand how their fragile interdependence is crucial to maintaining the oceans health but also our weather systems on land, and the make up of our atmosphere.

Aquariums: The Dark Hobby

Hawaii is ground zero in the global struggle to save marine wildlife. Some species of fish have been driven to extinction by collectors, and others are severely diminished.

Elsewhere, cyanide and dynamite is used to hunt the tropical fish to be captured as ´pets´ and then their their fins cut, and swim bladders pierced with needles, they are sealed in bags to ship globally. 90% die within a year of capture, creating a demand for replacement.

These fish eat the algae growing on the coral. When they’re removed from the reef for sale, the coral dies – which produces 50% of earth’s oxygen.

Aquariums: The Dark Hobby is an expose of this viscous industry while also highlighting the work of Native Hawaiian Elders, conservationists and scientists who struggle to ensure the survival of these stunning tiny creatures that are targets of a trade worth billions.

Beyond Pollution

A thought provoking, in-depth look at the causes and effects of the most devastating man made environmental disaster America has ever experienced.

Beyond Pollution is a firsthand investigation into BP’s disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Traveling thousands of miles across the Gulf coast interviewing environmental experts, government officials, fisherman & distributors, scientists, drilling engineers, and key BP contractors, the film reveals, in depth the immediate and long term environmental, economic, and health impacts the tragedy is having on the local communities.

In the context of BP’s record on safety and the environment, the oil spill now seems sadly inevitable, so why weren’t measures put in place to avoid the disaster that will be felt for generations to come? How were they able to play down the consequences and avoid criminal responsibility, and how did their response further devestate those communities affected?

Beyond Pollution is an exhaustively researched and elegantly executed expose on an avoidable tragedy that began with an oil spill but had far-reaching, and unreported repercussions, uncovering what really happened, why, and who really benefited

Closed Sea

Closed Sea reveals the untold story of the endangered migrants who attempted to escape Libya to Italy during the 2011 war, only to be returned to the hands of Gaddafi as a result of a prior agreement signed between Berlusconi and Gaddafi.

During a perilous journey by boat from Libya to Italy, our protagonists become adrift, facing near certain death on the waves. A sighting, and subsequent rescue, by the Italian Navy cause scenes of unbridled joy and celebration – all captured by the stranded refuges on camera-phone.

Their joy though was to be short lived as it soon became clear that their rescuers had other plans.

Closed Sea meets the refugees who were forced back into the hands of the dictator, and witnesses the abuses faced by those who dared to attempt an escape. Families are divided and in limbo as Gaddafi’s regime crumbles and the revolution gains pace, though it is the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg that truly determine the final fate of our protagonists.

From their battered vessels and failed rescue to their subsequent imprisonment, tenure at a refugee camp and onward to the distant European Court of Human Rights. Closed Sea captures the dramatic stories of those whose lives were torn apart and forgotten, not just by Gaddafi, but his allies in Europe who claim to stand for freedom and human dignity.